In 2013, I had the luck to participate in a product management workshop led by Marty Cagan from Silicon Valley Product Group (SPVG).

At that time, I was working as product manager on the first version of ETAS EHANDBOOK.

In the workshop, Marty shared a lot of knowledge on how successful product teams work and create value for their customers. Besides the inspirational workshop, Marty also shared a copy of his book Inspired: How to create products customers love. with each of the participants.

What helped me a lot was Marty’s elaboration of different product roles (refer to Part I - People ). Especially the distinction between product management, product marketing and project management helped me realize that in the setup that I was working in, it was me who has all three roles! Having realized this as a fact, it was more straight-forward to deliver (although it was still a lot of work).